Warbaahinta Dunida oo ka Hadashay Shirkada Trafigura oo Markab Shidaal Keentay Somaliland iyo Heshiis ay Wada-galeen Somaliland...

Monday September 07, 2020 - 17:21:30 in Wararka by Super Admin
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    Warbaahinta Dunida oo ka Hadashay Shirkada Trafigura oo Markab Shidaal Keentay Somaliland iyo Heshiis ay Wada-galeen Somaliland...

    Warbaahinta Dunida oo ka Hadashay Shirkada Trafigura oo Markab Shidaal Keentay Somaliland iyo Heshiis ay Wada-galeen Somaliland...

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Warbaahinta Dunida oo ka Hadashay Shirkada Trafigura oo Markab Shidaal Keentay Somaliland iyo Heshiis ay Wada-galeen Somaliland...

Hargeysa(Xogreebnews)- Shirkada Trafigura, ayaa ka Hadashay Maalgashi ay ku samaynayso Haamaha Shidaalka Berbera.  Shirkada Trafigura, ayaa Warbaahinta dunida u qaybisay War-saxaafadeed ku Taarikhaysan 7 Sebtember.

Shirkada waxay sheegtay
Shirkaddu waxay sheegtay in todobaadkan ay Markab weyn oo sida shixnad shidaal ah ay gaysay Dekeda Berbera. Kadib markii ay Heshiis caalamiya la gashay Dawlada Somaliland.

Sidoo kale waxa war-saxaafadeed Shirkada lagaga Hadlay in Heshiis ay Wada-galeen Shirkada Trafigura iyo Wasaarada ganacsiga Somaliland.  Waxana lagu yidhi War-saxaafadeed ka
"Tani waa talaabadii ugu horaysay ee balanqaadkii Trafigura ay ku bixisay inay maal gashato tas-hiilaadka shidaalka ee Berbera ("BOT”) si ay uga dhigto marin ay ugu adeegto macaamiisha dalka gudihiisa, iskuna dhafto saadka shidaalka guud ahaan Geeska Afrika. Trafigura, iyada oo taageero buuxda ka heleysa dowladda, waxay ku talajirtaa in lagu hagaajiyo BOT qaab waji leh si loo wanaajiyo loona ballaadhiyo awooda keydinta, ugu dambeyntiina la fududeeyo soo dejinta shidaalka diyaaradaha iyo LPG si loo daboolo baahida maxalliga ah iyo tan gobolka iyadoo la hubinayo heerarka caalamiga ah ee caafimaadka iyo amniga.
Qorshayaasha waxaa sidoo kale ka mid ah kordhinta qabyada si ay awood ugu siiso maraakiibta waaweyni inay soo dhoweeyaan una ogolaadaan ganacsatada maxalliga ah inay si dhaqaalo leh u soo dhoofsadaan badeecadaha la safeeyey iyo inay helaan suuqyo dib loogu dhoofiyo. Tani waxay gacan ka geysan doontaa taageeridda himilada Dawladda Somaliland ee ah in loo beddelo dekedda Berbera inay noqoto xarun istiraatiiji ah oo ku taal gobol ay dalabku sii kordhayaan sannadba sannadka ka dambeeya".
Waxa kaloo lagu yidhi war-saxaafadeed Shirkada dhinaca Wasaarada ganacsiga inay soo dhowaysay Shirkada Trafigura.
"Waxaan ku faraxsanahay inaan la shaqeyno shirkad madaxbanaan, shirkad caalami ah sida Trafigura si kor loogu qaado tayada iyo kalsoonida lagu qabo soosaarka batroolka la sifeeyay ee dalka la keeno," ayuu yidhi Mudane Mohamoud Hassan Saad, Wasiirka Warshadaha Ganacsiga iyo Dalxiiska. iyada oo Trafigura la kordhin doono daahfurnaanta, heerarka sare, iyo tartan dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan silsiladda wax soo saarka. ” "Heshiiska wuxuu Trafigura fursad u siinayaa inay la tagto Terminal-ka hadda jira si loogu keydiyo wax soo saarka batroolka la sifeeyay si suuq maxalli ah looga helo gobol istiraatiijiyad ahaan muhiim u ah," ayuu yiri James Josling, Madaxa Afrika ee Tamarta Tamarta ee Trafigura. "Waxaan kala shaqeyneynaa dowladda sidii loo yareyn lahaa xaddidada baaruudda ee shidaalka maxalliga ah, si loo siiyo fursad ay Somaliland ku waafajiso soosaarka alaabooyinka heerarka suuqyada gobolka sida Itoobiya iyo Jabuuti, taasoo kor u qaadi doonta ganacsiga xuduudaha isaga gudba iyada oo la hagaajinayo tayada hawada. iyadoo ajandaha guud ee ESG iyo ballanqaadka Afrika ee Trafigura. ”

Trafigura to invest in improving Berbera Oil Terminal to become a regional supply hub with the support of the Government of Somaliland
Press release
Geneva, 7 September 2020 – Trafigura Group Pte Ltd. ("Trafigura”), a market leader in the global commodities industry, has this week delivered a first shipment of low sulphur gasoil to the Port of Berbera, following the signing of a milestone storage agreement earlier this year with the Government of Somaliland’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism. This is the first step in a commitment by Trafigura to invest in Berbera Oil Terminal ("BOT”) facilities to position it as a gateway to serve customers within the country, and integrate oil logistics across the Horn of Africa.

Trafigura, with the full support of the Government, intends to upgrade BOT in a phased approach to improve and expand the storage capacity, and eventually facilitate the import of jet fuel and LPG to meet local and regional demand whilst ensuring international health and safety standards. Plans also include increasing the draft to enable larger vessels to be received and allow local traders more economical import of refined products and access to re-export markets. This will help support the Somaliland Government’s ambition to transform Berbera port as a strategic hub in a region where demand is growing year on year.

"We’re delighted to be working with a leading independent, international company like Trafigura to improve the quality and reliability of refined petroleum product supply into the country,” said Mr. Mohamoud Hassan Saad, Minister of Trade Industry and Tourism, "By working with Trafigura there will be increased transparency, high standards, and increased competitiveness across the supply chain.”

"The agreement gives Trafigura access to the existing terminal for storage of refined petroleum products in order to supply the local market in a strategically important region,” said James Josling, Head of Africa Energy Trading for Trafigura. "We are working alongside the Government to reduce sulphur limits in the local fuel specifications, to give the opportunity for Somaliland to align product specifications with regional market standards such as Ethiopia and Djibouti, which will promote cross-border trade while improving air quality in line with Trafigura’s wider ESG agenda and commitment to Africa.”


For further information please contact:

Trafigura Press Office: +41 22 592 45 28 or media@trafigura.com

For high resolution images visit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/trafigura_images/


Notes to editors

Founded in 1993, Trafigura is one of the largest physical commodities trading groups in the world. Trafigura sources, stores, transports and delivers a range of raw materials (including oil and refined products and metals and minerals) to clients around the world. The trading business is supported by industrial and financial assets, including 49.3 percent owned global oil products storage and distribution company Puma Energy; global terminals, warehousing and logistics operator Impala Terminals; Trafigura's Mining Group; and Galena Asset Management. The Company is owned by around 700 of its 8,000 employees who work in 80 offices in 41 countries around the world. Trafigura has achieved substantial growth over recent years, growing revenue from USD12 billion in 2003 to USD171.5 billion in 2019. The Group has been connecting its customers to the global economy for more than two decades, growing prosperity by advancing trade.
Visit: www.trafigura.com

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