The Founder And Creator of Somali Democratic People's Party (SDPP) In Somali State In Ethiopia 1993. Ambassador Dr. Abdul Majid. Hussein Ahmed. Surname Called የማሰብ ችሎታ ያለው አንበሳ (The Intelligent Lion )

Saturday April 06, 2019 - 02:49:50 in Wararka by Super Admin
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    The Founder And Creator of Somali Democratic People's Party (SDPP) In Somali State In Ethiopia 1993. Ambassador Dr. Abdul Majid. Hussein Ahmed. Surname Called የማሰብ ችሎታ ያለው አንበሳ (The Intelligent Lion )

    The Founder And Creator of Somali Democratic People's Party (SDPP) In Somali State In Ethiopia 1993. Ambassador Dr. Abdul Majid. Hussein Ahmed. Surname Called የማሰብ ችሎታ ያለው አንበሳ (The Intelligent Lion )

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The Founder And Creator of Somali Democratic People's Party (SDPP) In Somali State In Ethiopia 1993. Ambassador Dr. Abdul Majid. Hussein Ahmed. Surname Called የማሰብ ችሎታ ያለው አንበሳ (The Intelligent Lion )
Ambassador Dr. Abdul Majid Hussein Was Born In 13 June 1944. Death 29 March 2004 He was the Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the United Nations.

After the fall of the dergue regime, Ambassador Dr. Abdul Majid Hussein served Ethiopia by working in high government positions and has since served his country full heartedly disregarding his own personal comfort.

The Ambassador had also held a high position in the United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) where he promoted the interests of his country and fellow compatriots. He was also engaged in struggle for peace and democracy, which had once led to an assassination attempt on his life by anti-peace elements in Ethiopia that failed to stop him from accomplishing his objectives as a patriot of the country.

Apart for his utmost efforts he made for the promotion of democracy, peace and stability in the Somali region, Dr. Abdul Majid was also the Chairman of the Somalia Democratic Peoples’ Party (SDPP).

With his eagerness to serve Ethiopia, Ambassador Abdul Majid was appointed and served as the Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the United Nations in New York where he fully executed his duties and responsibilities.

The Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the United Nations (UN), Ambassador Dr. Abdul Majid Hussein passed away in Dire Dawa town on 29 March 2004 from an illness that was beyond the efforts of doctors in New York City, United States of America.
Doctors in New York City attempted to treat the Ambassador but the illness reached a level where they could not provide any further medical remedies. After hearing the opinion of his wife and the doctors, he asked that he return to his country to be among his people before he passes away.

Ambassador Dr. Abdul Majid Hussein arrived at Bole International Airport in the evening of 28 March 2004 where Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, other senior government officials, Members of Parliament and friends and close relatives, received him. He immediately flew to Dire Dawa town where he met his relatives as planned and then he passed away at 5 a.m. on 29 March 2004.

Dr. Abdul Majid Hussein is remembered as being friendly with all his colleagues who loved him.
A funeral ceremony was held on March 29, 2004 in Dire Dawa where higher government officials were in attendance. 

My Allah SWT give him highly mercy and grant him in Firdouza Heaven Ameen. 

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